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Donations for Jim Foley's Burial

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:54 am
by Jim_Alaska
To Jim's many friends and family

Please know that your support means everything to me as I navigate this painful time. Even though I realized his life was coming to an end after 80 years, nothing prepared me for it happening so soon. We both thought we would have a few more years together.

We did not even consider Jim going to surgery and not coming out feeling better and having more energy. However he never woke up. He had several small strokes during the surgery. As you may know by now, he is off life support and being kept comfortable till his body no longer can sustain his life. As hard as this time is, I'm still continuing to honor his wishes as to where he is finally laid to rest and where he wanted that to be.

Many of you have reached out to me and have asked how you can help me during this time. I really want to honor Jim’s wishes and I plan to do everything thing I can to make his wishes come true. One of his long standing desire was to buried next to his late wife Marcia.

Someone has donated the plot for him, and another is building a casket. However, it is going to cost around another $5,000 more to actual get him laid to rest. If you are able to, and comfortable doing so, I would really appreciate any donation, big or small, towards fulfilling his desire to be buried next to Marcia.

Funds for his funeral cost may be sent to:
Thank you again for your support during this time.

With appreciation,
Jim Foley’s, wife Linda

Re: Donations for Jim Foley's Burial

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 5:47 pm
by Jim_Alaska
I thank you so much for those who donated. We received $370 towards his burial in the fundraiser through PayPal and a few have checks in the mail. I don't know yet how much the total will be. But no matter how much it is everything helps. Thank you.
He will probably be laid to rest in the next few days.