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We Have Met Our Fund-raising Goal!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:53 am
by Dave Mack
As most of you know, a lightning storm on September 8th, or the early morning of the 9th, sparked numerous wild fires, one in particular, called The Slater Fire, which turned into a very powerful monster and raced down Indian Creek all the way to our town of Happy Camp, taking out everything in its path.

Two of our most important administrative staff members lost their homes to the fire and nearly all of their possessions.

To help them get back on their feet and back to work, we sent out a fund-raising Action Alert to the entire list of our active supporters and also posted it on this forum. Our goal was to raise $20,000 to be split between the two girls. As of this past Friday, exactly three weeks to the day when we sent out our call for help, thanks to you guys, we have met our goal!

Now the danger from the fire near Happy Camp is long gone. Our girls and their families have returned to Happy Camp and are living in comfortable homes. They are back to work and our office is open. Gold prospectors have begun to return, and are even bringing the gold they find into the office to cheer up our staff.

The larger story, and the heart-felt thank yous and personal stories from our girls can be found in our October newsletter right here:

Our Internal Affairs Officer, and acting General Manager, Dickey Melton, made the personal choice to remain in Happy Camp during the entire fire storm event. He says it was an absolute living nightmare! Just beginning to unwind from severe shell-shock, Dicky wrote up his first account of the horrendous events as they unfolded. A Hollywood movie could be made out of what Dickey went through! I encourage you to read the newsletter.

We asked for help, and you provided it right away. You have my sincerest appreciation for helping us out in our time of need! Those are just the words that express feelings I will never forget. Once again, you guys have been there for us.

So now let’s get back to gold prospecting!

Dave McCracken,

Founder & General Manager of The New 49'ers Prospecting Association